ABC of Golgi Bodies ! Biological Sciencess !!

Golgi Bodies

Hye guys gud Morning today we are talking about short but very Accurate information on Golgi bodies.

Also called as (Lipochondria, Idiosome or Dalton complex):
They are middle man of cell and discovered by Camello Golgi (1898) in cytoplasm
of nerve cell of owl and cat by silver metallic impregnation technique.

They form internal reticular apparatus (apparato recticulare interno) and take black stain with Sudan III being rich in lipids. Dalton and Felix (1954) observed them under TEM and confirmed their existence. In plants, golgi bodies are unconnected and scattered called dictyosomes. In fungi, a dictyosome is unicisternal.

In vertebrates these are found near the nucleus. A dictyosome has a stack of usually 3-12 cisternae with swollen ends, tubules and vesicles. It shows polarity. Concave or
maturing (M) face or trans face is near cell membrane and cis or convex or forming (F) face is towards nuclear membrane. Lysosomes and secretory vesicle
arise from ‘M’ face. New cisternae are formed from SER.

Root cap cells are rich in golgi bodies which secrete mucilage for lubrication of root
tip. They process package and help in transport and release of secretory proteins.
They also cause glycosidation of lipids and glycosylation of proteins to form
glycolipids and glycoproteins.

Golgi body forms acrosome in sperm, yolk and cortical granules in eggs, secretion of insulin, lactoprotein in mammary glands, cellulose, hemicellulose, mucilage, pectin, cell plate during cell division, root hairs etc.

 Theyr regulatefluid balance of cell. All secretory cells are rich in golgi bodies. Main enzyme in golgi bodies is nucleoside disphosphatase. These bodies arise from SER mainly.

Thanks guys
